Francisco A. Bort Ramon

Francisco A. Bort Ramon composer

A saxophonist and composer, Francisco A. Bort Ramón was born in Catarroja (Valencia) and studied at the Valencia Superior Conservatory of Music. He has been a member of the Valencia Municipal Wind Band since April 1987, a post he gained though public examinations, and is currently the Band's alto saxophone soloist.

He has composed more than twenty works from chamber music to symphonic pieces. He won the 2007 "Maestro Villa" wind band music composition prize in Madrid with his work Variacions iròniques.

Some of his symphonic compositions (Llegendes, Ocurrències, Variacions iròniques, Divertiment, Des de 1903) have been compulsory pieces in wind band contests such as the Valencia CIBM, the Valencia Provincial Contest and the Vila de Catarroja Contest.

As a saxophonist he has premiered his own works, including: Llampecs de tardor (alto saxophone and wind band), Poema i Ferling a swing (saxophone quartet), Joc concertant (saxophone quartet and wind band) y Faràndula (soprano saxophone and wind band), with the collaboration of the Valencia Municipal Wind Band and the "Studel Sax" saxophone quartet of which he is a member.

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Divertiment - Francisco A. Bort Ramon


Francisco A. Bort Ramon

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100,00 €
Joglaresca - Francisco A. Bort Ramon


Francisco A. Bort Ramon
Originale Literatur

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150,00 €
Llegendes - Francisco A. Bort Ramon


Francisco A. Bort Ramon

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plus shipping
150,00 €
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